Monday, January 8, 2007

2007 Arrives with great prospects

The new year came in with a dampened bang (more like Flurrttt than 'Bang') as I had to work. I did something I swore I would never do the night before and that was watch the Edinburgh Tatoo. But it was really entertaining - and I was sober!

I have started my new job and am enjoying the challenges of settling in. It is rewarding and intriguing trying to make sense of the disarray I have encountered in some parts of the administrative side of the area for which I am responsible. It is bringing out the detective side of me: tracking down the things that are not in order and making them into a system that can function - even without me.

Back to working five days a week is interesting to say the least. The people I work with are a great inspiration and very committed to their professional pursuits. They set an excellent example to other organisations in terms of ego-free operation in a really shared and cooperative way.

I shall make sure my next entry is illustrated.

Au revoir pour maintenant!

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