Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Into the Future

Nothing is guaranteed. Nothing is for certain. All will surely pass. And yet faith in love makes us take another step towards our ageing selves.

Here is another poem I managed to lever out of my word trunk.

It's to celebrate what I hold most dear.

There was an empty bowl
A bell’s distant echo
A sky after the birds flew by

There was a whisper in the night
Pebbles without a stream
To caress them into song

There was a bough fallen on the verge
A litter of autumn’s cast offs
A taste of sunlight beyond the clouds

And then you called in the silence

And then there was singing
A flame licking coals
Light to see by

And then there was verdant joy
Spreading like whiskey
And cheeks aglow with knowing

And there will be
Sunsets and sea and salt
And trinkets on the sand

Delivered into a shared set of footprints
Ever on

Phillip Dec 2008

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